Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Trip to Tucson

This post is all about my trip to Tucson to visit Daddy!
I love my mama very much and enjoyed our time together but I missed Dad alot.
I was so excited to see him that I didn't mind that I was woken up from my nap.
We watched the baseball game on his awesome television.
Mama and I had been feeling bad for him since he was all alone,
but once we saw the room we felt no pity!
It was like a studio apartment. Mama said she wanted to move in.
Breakfast ready for her every morning, someone else making beds and washing towels.
Luxury she called it.
Daddy told me all about his work days and how much he missed me.

Even mama and I found time to chit chat on the big bed.

Then I played with all the pillows. It was fun pretending I can sit up on my own.

We went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant and then mama
scrubbed my bottom in the big girl bath tub!

The next morning Dad went back to work and Mama and I went to visit
Auntie Dovie.

She made funny faces and I just smiled and cooed.

Carson was there and Donna.

Carson just loved hugging on me, kissing on me and tickling me.
He kept saying "He's so cute!"
They told him I was a girl but he just would smile and say it over again.

Then later when Carson's mom Shana got off work,
we went to Donna's house to visit her.

Then I got some more attention.

Mama just had to include this picture of Carson and his Grandma Donna dressed alike.
They swore it wasn't on purpose but we all wondered.
Regardless they looked cute as can be
Then Dovie and Mama swung by the Dairy Queen and headed back to Auntie Dovie's
where I had my first slumber party complete with ice cream and Grey's Anatomy!

Mama ate all the ice cream but I had fun swinging the spoon around!
Thanks Dovie, Donna, Shana and Carson for the great time!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Kristie's Baby Shower!

This is the cake! It was so neat looking. Those little shoes had places to write their names on the bottom and birthdate info. I can't wait to meet them when they finally come out of there.

Kristie is so funny! This is her trying NOT to put her belly in the cake.
Good luck!

This is Tamika, Stevo's wife. Stevo works with my mama. This is their beautiful daughter.

There were lots of women there who worked with mama. Like this lovely lady, Connie.
She figured me out pretty quickly. I love cuddling!

This is Tiffany. She pretty much ran the whole show. Mama was supposed to help but she was busy with me

After the food, cake, gifts and games, I finally got my turn to hang out with the pregnant lady. I thought my mom was brave for lugging me around, but she's lugging around two in there! I couldn't be a twin, I like having my parents all to myself. Poor Justin, not only will he have to share his mama with one little one but she's having two baby boys. Life's just not fair sometimes.

Another one bites the dust. She's under my spell! Just the way I like my grown ups.

Dressing up with my Mama

This is me with my Mama. Don't we look cute in our denim skirts and red shirts!
She says we have to match as much as possible while I'm still young.
She thinks that one day I won't think that matching my Mama is cool.
Can you believe that?

All this dress up time is exhausting... I just had to get a good nap in.

Cuddle Time

This picture is from my Great Aunt Starla's Birthday Bash.
Auntie Kari looks so happy because poor thing was all worked up thinking she wouldn't get to hold me. She should know by now that I ALWAYS have time for a good cuddle

Especially a good cuddle with my Daddy!
He loves me you know

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I am Loved!

Happy Birthday Great Aunt Starla!
I know she looks too young to be a Great Aunt
The whole family got together to celebrate, my Grandma Sheryl babysat me for the first time
while everyone else went to the Elk's Lodge to play a bean bag game.
Then we ate lots of good food and hung out.
I had such a blast celebrating with Aunt Starla.

Not to mention I got to meet my Great Grandparents:
Daddy Joe and Granny Mac.
Grandpa Kyle flew them all the way from Texas to surprise Starla for her birthday
(and to meet me too)

Here we are gossiping on the couch. We shared lots of secrets,
but I promised not to tell so that's all I can say about that.

She was determined that I was going to sit up all by myself.
It was hard work but I didn't mind since she held up my favorite
friend, Earl the Elephant in front of me. I love him!

They just kept looking at me like I was something special....
but I didn't mind cause I love attention!

And finally my Great Grandpa Daddy Joe got a chance to hold me all to himself.

Check out these gorgoeus ladies!
This is my great aunt Starla with her Daddy
Doesn't she look beautiful on her birthday?

Brother Doyle

This is my brother Doyle. He is the best brother in the whole world!!! He follows me and mama around and when I cry he loves to give me kisses (mama yells at him but I don't mind).

I can tell him all my secrets...

and we have so much in common. for instance we both sleep close to 18 hours a day!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Eureka! I found it!

After much searching I found it! My Hand!!!

There's my Right Hand....

and my Left!!!

Lunch Date with Sara, Erin, and Katie!

We met at work first. It was like a ghost land all those hard working claims reps out in the field working hard....but look who wasnt....it's Travis!!! Doesn't he just look like the perfect guy to be a stay at home Dad....Good luck Marie!

Then Sara and I took our Mommies and Katie to lunch!

Katie got rid of her fear of holding little babies. I told her I was tough I could take it.

This is Sara and I with our Mommies.

And this is my friend Sara. Aren't we cute?