Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Family Coming and Going

Richard the Great and Marianne came to visit....
Great Grandma Ruth also came (I"m having a hard time with flash on our new camera)

There she is again. Uncle Jerry came too but he said cause he's wanted by the FBI he can't do pictures.
There has been other family too but mama has to get them off her phone for me so i'll add those later!

Life with Tyler

Here he is one week old. and yes sometimes i bring mommy my blankets instead of "boy" blankets.
when they aren't using the changing table, i practice with suzi my baby doll.

in the evenings daddy and i play golf while mommy takes a break

and when i can i use the moby wrap with my other baby doll amy. she likes it in there!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tyler Comes Home!

After 36 hours at the hospital Tyler finally got to come home! He meet his big sister Kayla, got to snuggle with Grandma, learned that he loves to swing, and slept on his boppie. Home is way better than the hospital!

Tyler Brock McCutchen has arrived!

Mama is posting this for Kayla since she slept through all of this!
Saturday night at a little before 4:30 am I awoke on the couch to a painful contraction quickly followed by two more back to back and then uncontrollable shaking. I quickly got Daddy and woke him up and without delay we went straight to the hospital to find out I was 7-8 centimeters dialated and 100% effaced. By 6:52 am he was born!
He was 8lbs 14oz and born sunny side up! meaning he was faced the wrong way! which made pushing very hard and painful! but he was worth every second as you can see, I quickly had a smile on my face!

We had to include this....in our pre registration we said no bananas cause i'm allergic. During labor they came in and we confirmed no bananas, and several other times we confirmed no bananas. and this is what i got for breakfast!

Tyler Brock McCutchen was born March 8th, 2009.
8lbs 14 oz.

Doyle's 8th Birthday

March 3rd was my puppy's birthday. This is pretty much what we did all day. Mama promised him that next year she wouldn't be having a baby and we would have a birthday party! yea!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

39 weeks and still waiting

this is dr. johansen measuring mama's belly and listening to the baby's heart beat. i love that part! the heart says "boo boo boo boo"
this is dada and i playing hide and seek with mama.
doc says she is closer to 4 cm dialated than 3. which mama said was his nice way of saying nothing has changed! and he wants her to come back the end of this week again if baby brother isnot here by then and induce by sunday if he still isn't here.
so of course we left, dropped dada off at work, walked sams club (and shopped for goodies), went home napped and walked the golf course with dada when he got off work! but still no baby brother.....still waiting.....