Thursday, December 20, 2007


First my stats. I weigh 16 1/4 lbs which puts me in the 50th percentile in my age group and I am 26 3/4 inches tall which makes me the 90th percentile in my age group. Pretty much all the eating and sleeping I've been doing has paid off.
Doc says I look great and am developmentally where I should be.
Now on to the good stuff (pictures of me!)
First thing I always like to do at the doc's office is to play with some toys. Mama is really picky about which ones i can play with. She won't let me play with anything i can stick in my mouth and she always washes my hands. something about germs.
They gave me a book in english and spanish about my numbers. Cool, huh?
This is my doc, McGreary or something like that. She's so nice and friendly and talks really really fast.
Then the nurse gave me shots! I hate them!
This was last weekend at my first holiday party. That's my friend Izabell she's a month and a half older than me, but she's cool. Some guy at the party thought we were twins. This is the look I gave him after he asked my mama that.
I'm such a pig. Doc says I can eat stage 2 foods now. Yum.

1 comment:

Starla said...

Dear Kayla Grace,
We believe you are the most beautiful baby girl and we love following your big adventures. We know your parents are very busy, but we are making an offical request for an update about what is going on in your life. So please smile and wave at us and tell us everything!!! All our LOVE,
Daddy Joe & Granny Mac